July 24, 2014

That Just Made My Day | Day 14

Its been two weeks since I started of with this series, and the fact that it is still on, Just Made My Day! :)

July 21, 2014

That Just Made My Day | Day 13

Yet an other Monday! And I did something really important. I filed my IT returns. Did you? ;)

When you crack a hard nut, it should obviously make your day!!! ;) :p :D

That Just Made My Day | Day 12

I got a chance to meet this lovely kid, who is visually-challenged. I loved her cute deep-dimples, and could not stop myself from expressing it.  The moment I expressed this, I did realize she did not comprehend what dimples are!

While I was successful in explaining her about the dimples, what Made My Day was- The genuine smile that she threw when she understood what dimples are!

I must say those dimples looked even more cute! :)

July 19, 2014

That Just Made My Day | Day 11

I love nail-art! Playing with some colors did make my day! ;)

That Just Made My Day | Day 10

One hour of non-stop Dr. Rajkumar hits on Udaya Music, Just Made My Day! :)

July 17, 2014

That Just Made My Day | Day 9

The heartfelt smile this toddler threw, as soon as I reached home, definitely Made My Day!

Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.
 ~ W.B. Yeats

That Just Made My Day | Day 8

Yum! There was something special about the dosa that I had this morning! And I truly relished every bite of it! ;)

July 15, 2014

That Just Made My Day | Day 7

Tuesdays are known for meetings. There is no bound for joy when a meeting cancellation notification pops up!! :D

July 14, 2014

That Just Made My Day | Day 6

Looking through the window... 

I can't believe, the chirping birds woke me up this morning. To be specific, The Monday Morning! ;) It kind of motivated me to get up and look through the window. The sight was amazing; two birds, perched on two different branches seemed to have an aggressive conversation! While one stopped chirping, the other took over. And finally, the two birds flew in different directions! :D 

The very sight of it,  Just Made My Day...

That Just Made My Day | Day 5

Back from a nice walk, and you see six missed calls from a good friend!!! Needless to say, a long talk with a best friend Just Made My Day!

Cup of hot coffee + chilling wind on the terrace + nostalgic talks = Awesome evening

July 12, 2014

July 11, 2014

That Just Made My Day | Day 3

 My office laptop is now replaced with a new one! ;)  No, that didn't make my day...The very thought of me associated with the company for such a long time, and that they have replaced the laptop...Just Made My Day!!! :)

July 10, 2014

That Just Made My Day | Day 2

Jams are usually sweet. But, traffic jam??  For a change, it was sweet too! Its strange... but true... Silk Board traffic just made my day!!! ;-)

Why would the traffic jam stress, if the weather is awesome and songs played in radio is almost equivalent to your fav playlist! ;-)

July 9, 2014

That Just Made My Day | Day 1

Lately, I have realized that every time I open a word document to write about something I go blank! Backspace key is what I use the most in the keyboard. The word document remains almost blank as my mind. That explains why I haven't been blogging for a while.

Before further rantings and ramblings, let me jump to what I really wanted to write about- that one thought that motivated to keep myself and the blog ALIVE. 

In an urge to find a meaning to the life we often fail to identify the small things that makes us happy. I have decided to post a pic and write about something that made my day. I am not sure how long I would continue to do this, but I think this is an attempt to:

  • Channelize my thoughts in positive direction
  • Still my mind on the beauty that surrounds me
  • Evoke my hobbies

DAY 1:

They say, "Adventure in life is good; consistency in coffee even better". I still wonder how Amma maintains the same consistency!! 

Would you believe if I say, I woke up today because of the coffee aroma? :D

Well, that Just Made My Day!!! :)