June 14, 2010

The vantages of riding!

It all started when the travel time consumption was 12.5% of a day!! I had strongly made up my mind not to depend on the company transport any more... With a strong opposition, I started commuting to office in my new " black scooty streak" [yeah right, if not a black santro, let me at least own a black scooty streak :P]

People always drop their jaw when thy come to know that i am riding from one extreme end of the city to an other extreme end. But, its also true that when you really like doing
certain things, neither the complexities involved nor the disadvantages appear to be prominent.

Apart from the flexibility it offers, here are few thing that I would like to share about the vantages of riding ....

  1. Firstly, let me say something about the "riding survey", yes, thatz how I decided to buy scooty streak :P . The signal at junction is the right place for performing a riding survey... If the person next to you owns a vehicle of your choice, why not conduct a survey??? Inquire about the mileage, performance... etc etc
  2. Evoke you hobbies:
  • Am i sounding crazy?? not really ... Following are some photos that I captured while riding :)

  • Also, listen to the music of your choice, it makes your ride more pleasurable :) hmm... how about giving a bit of work to your vocal chords??? wow...Juz like a bath-room singer you can be entitled to the "riding singer" title too...
3.Time management while riding:

  • Plan the work that has to be done for the day, It could be a reminder mail, a meeting invite, MOM whatever!!! In a way, riding keeps you more organized.
  • "Is your after office hours discussion (office politics/gossip :P) consuming the quality time that you spend at your home? If yes," Talk when you ride" hahaha, an inverse ideology of "Walk when you talk" !!!
    Disclaimer: " Talk when you ride" concept is subjected to risk, please be aware of the risk before you follow ''
4. Psst...Riding is also a platform to vent out your frustration!!
5. Interaction with unknowns: A waving kid in a school bus, or an old man who transforms to a traffic police to cross the road...will always leave a smile amidst the tension. :)

6. Over and above, you can judge a person based on how he rides/drives!!! Juz give a thought about it :D

1 comment:

  1. hi REKHA!!!

    was just goin through ur blog....nice thoughts yaar....and u have a great ability to put words into meaningful sentences.

    Keep going...ALL THE BEST...ARCHANA.C
